Sorting Conveyers

Green Machine Bright Transparent 300x91 - Sorting Conveyers
GMS Southern Tier Recycling 1 1024x164 - Sorting Conveyers

Whether you are setting up a new facility, or improving, expanding or upgrading an existing one, Olympic can custom design, build, install and provide start-up assistance for the separating system that fits your needs. Olympic is the leader in the waste management and recycling equipment industry, providing what the industry needs now, while anticipating and developing solutions for the future.

iBOT Robotics Sorter Link:

GREEN EYE Optical Sorting:

click here red round gel isolated push button vector 8980801 e1635523731216 150x150 - Sorting Conveyers

Sort Line Link:

click here red round gel isolated push button vector 8980801 e1635523731216 150x150 - Sorting Conveyers